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Library Research Colloquium Series

2023 Spring Colloquium Series

2023 Spring Colloquium Series

The Entrepreneur’s Indispensable Function in Economics

  • Dr. Charles Adelberg, Senior Adjunct Professor of Economics

  • April 19, 2023, Brawner Boardroom & Zoom


  • Summary: Common knowledge attributes modern technology-driven economic growth to entrepreneurship,
    but no economic theory does, regardless of how often the entrepreneur was mentioned by famous
    economists. Reasons for this include incorrectly perceiving that the entrepreneur must have a
    function in a firm when the entrepreneur actually can be defined and identified by playing a
    central, observable and indispensable function in the innovation process. All innovation
    processes may be described as having an in-process intangible under development which gets to
    a point of needing further investment of capital to continue the process of innovation. The
    entrepreneur is the person who finds the means to connect the inventor or the persons in charge
    of the ongoing innovation process with a capitalist (an angel or a venture capitalist) who will
    fund further development and makes sure the transaction is completed. Dr. Charles Adelberg
    will describe entrepreneurs who gain their identity when the transaction leading to the sale or
    licensing of the in-process intangible is carried out in full, show how these examples comprise
    the market for research outcome, and further show how the conception of the entrepreneur not
    only advances microeconomic theory but also could lead to improvement in macroeconomic
    measurements of economic change due to innovation.

View Recording Below: