Need a resource that Bowman Library does not own? Why not place an Interlibrary Loan [ILL] request? We have access to items not available at Bowman Library from other Libraries across the United States, and beyond, if need be. This service is available to all Menlo full time and adjunct faculty, students, and staff.
There are two ways to submit requests: through the library catalog, and through the ILL Request Form.
Requests through the library catalog are often filled more quickly, but the ILL Request Form is sometimes easier to use, especially if the item was found in a source outside the catalog.
Start the process by searching for the title of the desired item in the Library search box on the homepage.
Select the "Libraries Worldwide" filter on the left hand side to expand your search beyond Bowman Library's collections.
When you find that a searched item is not available at Bowman Library, click on the title of the item to open the detailed record. From that screen click on the REQUEST ITEM button in the item description.
A form will open requiring you input contact information, including Menlo ID number, and the date by which the item is required.
If the desired item is not found in the Library catalog, complete the request form below and submit it to the Library.
If you would like additional assistance finding an item through ILL or placing an ILL request, please use the ILL Request Form and a Bowman librarian will follow up with support shortly.
Use this link for the ILL Request Form to complete a request in a new window, or use the form embedded below to stay on the page.
You can request the item by clicking on the Place Hold button in the item description. You will be notified by email when the item is ready for pickup.
Books, chapters, dissertations, DVDs, and articles are available from libraries throughout the world. It is generally not possible to borrow an entire issue of a journal or magazine, or an entire e-book (though individual articles and e-book chapters may be requested). We will request items that are held by Bowman Library only if they are listed as missing in the catalog.
Your request will be processed as soon as possible. We suggest allowing 2-4 days for article requests and about 10 days for books to be available. You will be notified via email as soon as physical items are ready for pickup at the Library Service Desk. Articles or book chapters will be emailed to your Menlo College email as PDF attachments.
Due dates for borrowed books are determined by each lending library, but you will often be able to keep the books for 3-4 weeks. Article PDFs are yours to keep, and do not need to be returned.
The due date is on the item when you receive it from Bowman Library, and will be recorded in your patron account. Login to your Library account by click on the My Account button at the top of the Library's homepage to see all checked out items.
It is often possible to request one or more renewals for a period of 2-4 weeks as determined by the lender. You will receive an email reminder to return the item by its due date, please forward that reminder to the Bowman Library team ( and request renewal at that time.
Materials can be returned directly to a librarian or student assistant at the Bowman Library Service Desk. Please do not place these materials in the book drop. You are responsible for the item until it is returned to a Bowman Library employee.
Delays in returning materials borrowed from other libraries may jeopardize future Interlibrary Loan privileges. Fines for overdue Interlibrary Loan materials are determined by the lending library and are the responsibility of the borrower.