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Borrowing Equipment

Equipment Lending Policy

  • Equipment is available to borrow in person at Bowman Library during our operating hours.
  • Equipment may be checked out by anyone with a valid Menlo College ID card: students, faculty, and staff.
  • Equipment will be checked out to an individual, and not a group. Individuals must bring their valid Menlo College ID card to the Circulation Desk to borrow equipment, which will be held until the end of the checkout period. ID cards will be returned when equipment is checked back in. This individual accepts full fiscal and custodial responsibility for the equipment during the loan period. See “Technology Replacement Charges” for more details
  • Checkout periods are 2 hours.

  • Renewals are subject to availability/demand, up to a full day.

  • Extended checkout periods for Chromebooks and calculators for up to a semester are available. Consult with a librarian.

  • A user must have a reservation for a DIY Recording Studio to check out audio/visual recording equipment. Audio/Visual recording equipment is to be used inside the library only and cannot be taken off premises.

  • Certain A/V equipment is loaned in a bundle: item, power cord, case, etc. All items in the bundle must be returned and checked in.

  • Users are expected to set up and operate equipment. Library staff can provide technical support when available.


Technology Replacement Charges

  • There is a replacement charge, plus a processing fee, for any damage to, or loss of equipment. See Available Equipment for replacement fees.
  • If parts of a bundle (e.g. the power cord and case) are not returned and the missing part can be replaced individually, the replacement charge will reflect the cost plus processing. However, if the missing part cannot be replaced and its loss renders the full item unusable, the full replacement charge will be assessed.