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Spaces and Technology

Where to book study rooms and other spaces in the library. Information on checking out Chromebooks, calculators, and audio/visual production equipment

Hosting an event at the library

Bowman Library collaborates with many people and organizations on campus to create a culture of inquiry, engagement and belonging. 

Reservable spaces are available at no charge for use by the Menlo College community. 

Library spaces are not available for use by organizations outside of the College.

The primary use of Bowman Library’s spaces is for Library-sponsored events. Student government, student clubs, faculty, staff, coaches, Menlo sports teams, trustees, committees, advisory groups, student support services, student affairs and all Oaks are all welcome to reserve spaces and put on events at the library.

The Library welcomes the use of reservable spaces by our communities under the following conditions: 


To request an event collaboration, interested parties must submit an Event Application form and make a space reservation at least two weeks prior to the date requested.

Space reservations must be submitted using the online Reserve a Room feature on the library’s website. Space descriptions are available on the website.  

Reservations for events must be requested at least two weeks prior to the requested date, with a maximum 4-hour limit.

Event applications are handled on a first-come first-served basis.  Authorization to use a space is not transferable to another group.

Any exceptions may be made at the discretion of the appropriate library staff.   

Reservable spaces include the equipment identified in the description on the website. Any additional equipment is the responsibility of the group booking the room to supply or check out.   

Meetings must conclude 10 minutes before the facility closing time.  All attendees and participants must exit the building at closing time. 


Events hosted at the library are considered collaborative events and are included in the library’s promotional services. The library promotes many events throughout the year, in print and digital media, inside, outside and beyond the library, via email distributions and via the library events calendar. 

Promotion generally occurs one week prior to the event and again in the beginning of the week of the event. In some cases, additional same-day reminders are distributed as well.

Bowman Library adheres to library standards for signage and trains its corps of Student Library Specialists to design according to those standards. Standards address such things as accessibility, image attribution, Library and Menlo College style guides.

Collaborative events are listed in promotional pieces and signage as “hosted by Bowman Library and “presented by<the collaborating organization>” with a QR code to the library and to the organization (if it has a website.). 

Campus groups have the option to create their own promotional pieces, with library review and approval, or to have the library handle promotion. 

Interior and exterior wayfinding signage is provided by the Library. 

Filming notification signage is provided by the library, but the group making the reservation is responsible for securing reuse permission for images taken during the event.



Drinks are permitted anywhere in the library in cups with lids. Groups are required to inform their participants to bring a reusable cup and lid. Filtered water is available in the library.

Food is permitted in the spaces indicated in the space descriptions.



Breakdown and cleanup is the responsibility of the group booking the room.  

Spaces must be left in the same condition as found at the beginning of the meeting.

Food, trash and recycling must be placed in receptacles outside the library. 

The library does not have a sink, disposal, refrigerator, dishwasher, cleaning supplies, plates, utensils or other supplies for events management. Please plan accordingly for your event and cleanup.


The Library can store event equipment or supplies up to three months, provided they are boxed and clearly labeled in plastic bins or containers that can be moved by a single person. 

The library cannot assume responsibility for any materials left on the premises beyond three months and reserves the right to reuse it or dispose of it without further notice.