Shelving Locations
Aside from the "main stacks" where the majority of books are shelved, we have a variety of shelving locations throughout the main room of the library. We created these different shelving locations to highlight subsets of books the library has available for the Menlo Community.
Scroll down for more information on each shelving location.
New books are located in the main room, near the door to the back of the library. The spine labels will have red stickers with "New" on them.
Reference books do not circulate. They are meant to stay in the library at all times in case they are needed.
These books will have a green reference label.
Graphic Novels are found in the main room of the library. Look for the light green spine label.
Popular Literature books are located in the main reading room. Look for the blue spine label.
Memoirs are located in the main reading room. Look for the yellow spine label.
Poetry books are located in the main reading room. Look for the orange spine label.
Intro books are smaller, with white spine label stickers.
Cookbooks have a pink label. You can find these next to the newspapers in the main reading room.