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Many of the following databases will provide detailed company reports, industry overviews, market share reports, information about trends within a targeted industry, and articles from business & finance related journals, magazines, & newspapers.
Includes international coverage and provides researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
Leading scholarly business database with over 1,300 publications, including peer-reviewed journals. Covers all business disciplines, including marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics. Also includes financial data, company profiles, industry reports, market research reports, SWOT analyses, and more.
Often your professor will ask you to use scholarly articles, academic articles, or peer-reviewed articles. These are generally all the same thing. They are written by scholars who are experts in their fields and are usually tied to a college or university. They are great for:
Find Journal Articles about your topic:
Includes international coverage and provides researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
The Financial Times covers a variety of topics, including management, business, the legal industry, politics, climate change, and economics, all from a global perspective.
Create an account using your Menlo email address at this link. You will be asked to verify your account through your Menlo email. Now you can access the Financial Times!
Activate your subscription from the appropriate link below to enjoy trouble free access to the daily content from the NY Times for a year. When the year is up, subscribe again!
Through the database ABI/Inform, Menlo students, faculty, & staff have access to the full text of two digital versions of the Wall Street Journal: