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MKT 316 Principles of Marketing - Jiang

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Best Resources for this Course

Industry and Competitor Information

How to find NAICS codes:

  • NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

Consumer Information 

Census Business Builder (CBB)
The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format. Small Business Edition is built primarily for small business owners who need key data for their business plan or to better understand their potential market. It presents data for a single type of business and geography at a time.

Find books and ebooks about marketing and consumers:

Books and ebooks are good for finding overviews and history of your topic. ​ You don't need to read the whole book to get the information you need for your project; often one chapter of a scholarly book will cover the information you need.

Best Customers

In this updated e-book, experts and novices alike can see at a glance who spends the most and who controls the largest market share--often surprisingly different--on over 300 products and services that are organized into 21 chapters that focus on entertainment, groceries, transportation, etc.--everything a consumer might buy. Based on unpublished data--you can't find this on the Internet--from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' valuable Consumer Expenditure Survey, Best Customers brings you insight into household spending by householder age, income, type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education.

Use these search subjects:

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Research

Market Segmentation

Marketing Management

Marketing Planning

Marketing Research

Target Marketing


Newspaper and Magazine Articles


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