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FIN 220 Principles of Finance - Souza

Find Information at Bowman


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Best Resources for this Course

Finding Journal Articles

Often your professor will ask you to use scholarly articles, academic articles, or peer-reviewed articles. These are generally all the same thing. They are written by scholars who are experts in their fields and are usually tied to a college or university. They are great for:

  • Credible and trustworthy information
  • Recent findings and research topics in the field
  • Research studies, tables, and data
  • Bibliographies and reference lists.

Find Journal Articles about your topic:

Find Information about Companies & the Industries in which they operate:

The following databases provide detailed company reports, industry overviews, market share reports, information about trends within a targeted industry, and articles from business & finance related journals, magazines, & newspapers.

  • Start by determining the Industrial sector into which your company or venture will fall.
    • Look up a company's main product in the NAICS link below to determine industrial code, or
    • Find a company report or a competitor's company report to locate relevant industrial codes 
  • Remember, the relevant NAICS code or a company's ticker symbol can be used as search terms in these databases 
Top Finance Journals
Financial Management Business Source Complete - 2000 - 12 months ago                                                       
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Business Source Complete -  2004 - 12 months ago 
Journal of Applied Finance & Banking ABI/Inform 2011 - present
Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis Business Source Complete - 1966 - 12 months ago 
Real Estate Economics Business Source Complete - 1995 - 12 months ago 
Review of Corporate Finance Studies Business Source Complete - 9/2012 - 12 months ago
Review of Financial Studies Business Source Complete - 1988 - 12 months ago


Through the database ABI/Inform, Menlo students, faculty, & staff have access to the full text of two digital versions of the Wall Street Journal:

Information about Sources

The linked powerpoint presents some further details about sources you may use in developing your FIN 220 project.

FIN 220 Overview of Sources

no single source