“LOVE IS LOVE” is a four-week introductory campaign inspired by the LOVE IS LOVE LGBTQ+ Movement and aims to normalize, deepen, and empower all forms of love for ourselves and others through engaging and inclusive community activities and conversation.
Throughout the month of February, Spectrum+ will be hosting virtual discussions, activities, and other events to help promote, establish, and practice LOVE and understanding.
Each week of the campaign will hone in on a different dynamic pillar of love, such as self love, familial love, and romantic/friendship based love.
Exploration and understanding will be the key goal of every session.
The LOVE IS LOVE Campaign will also feature an appreciation initiative where students and faculty can opt to send a letter of affirmation and support (to themselves or others) just in time for Valentine's Day.
Week 4: WRAP UP :
What’s next?
Even though the campaign is over, it is still important to continue conversations about and out of LOVE.
Keep the LOVE alive by sharing special moments with yourself and others!