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Online Textbooks and Teaching Materials

A guide for faculty to help locate and use online textbooks, and Open Education Resources (OER)

Open Education Resources

The foundation of Open Education is Open Educational Resources (OER), which are teaching, learning, and research resources that are free of cost and access barriers, and which also carry legal permission for open use. Generally, this permission is granted by use of an open license (for example, Creative Commons licenses) which allows anyone to freely use, adapt and share the resource—anytime, anywhere. “Open” permissions are typically defined in terms of the “5R’s”: users are free to Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribute these educational materials. Read More

Open Education Textbooks and Materials Links

Below is a list of links to collections of OER Materials in use across many college campuses.

Attribution and License

In the spirit of OER, parts of this guide are a re-mixed and customized version of a guide created Kim Read at Concordia University and a guide created by Cody Taylor from the University of Oklahoma. The Research page is a re-mixed version of a guide page created by Jen Klaudinyi from Portland Community College. All original content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All linked-to content adheres to its respective license.