Bowman Library upholds the Menlo College Student Code of Conduct (found in the Menlo Student Handbook). All library users are expected to maintain an academic climate; anyone causing disruption will be asked to leave the library.
Menlo Students, Faculty and Staff
Bowman Library welcomes the Menlo College community (current students, Faculty and staff) to the library during regular and extended hours throughout the calendar year.
Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus faculty may borrow up to 20 books at one time for 30 days. Emeritus faculty may access electronic resources off campus and use the library computers, copiers, scanners, and enjoy reading our materials while inside the library during regular hours.
Visiting and Adjunct Faculty
Bowman Library welcomes Visiting and Adjunct Faculty to our library. During the semesters teaching at Menlo, their Library privileges will be the same as faculty.
Alumni and Volunteers
Menlo College alumni and current volunteers, though unable to check out library materials, may use the library computers and enjoy reading our materials while inside the library during regular hours.
We welcome you to consider Bowman Library as a comfortable space, and want to maintain both social spaces and areas for quiet study. Here are the noise level guidelines for different spaces of the library.
Main room: You may speak at a normal volume.
Quiet collaborative space (the room to the left of the main room as you walk in): Keep your voice slightly below a normal volume.
Quiet space: Keep your voice at a low volume. Take phone calls or video calls in another area.
In all spaces, except for study rooms with closed doors: headphones are required for watching video clips, class lectures, listening to music, or anything else with sound. Free earbuds are available at the front desk upon request.
To use library computers, log on with your Menlo username and password. Your username is the same as your Menlo email address, but without the Visitors, see a librarian for computer access.
Nothing can be copied or downloaded to the hard drive. To save your work, use the Google Drive or a USB flash drive, or email your documents to yourself. The Library computers are set up to delete any saved files at logout. If you save a file to the desktop, it will not be there the next time you use the computer.
Chromebooks are available for checkout and can be borrowed on a first-come, first-served basis from the Bowman Library Circulation Desk. Chromebooks are connected to the Menlo College wireless network. Headphones may also be requested at the Circulation Desk. Work on Chromebook storage is in the cloud; printing is not available from Chromebooks. As with personal devices, students can email or share documents in Google Drive to print from Library desktop computers.
At certain times, Chromebooks may not be available for checkout in the event they are needed for classes.
Chromebooks can be checked out for 6 hours at a time, and may be renewed. The following may not be done on a Chromebook:
Copy or download anything to the hard drive. To save your work use a Google Drive account or a USB flash drive, or email documents to yourself.
Change the system configuration.
Students whose personal laptops are not working, or who need access to a laptop for a longer period of time may borrow a Chromebook and charger from the library for several days up to a full semester.
Students seeking a longer term check out should ask at the front desk to speak to a Librarian. Students will fill out a form, agree to a due date no later than the last day of the semester, and check out devices on their Library account. Students are responsible for the devices during the relevant borrowing period. Any issues with the devices should be reported to a librarian as quickly as possible. If necessary, the Library will take back the problematic Chromebook and issue a replacement.
Non-Menlo laptops connect to the campus WiFi network in the Library. All connections require acknowledgement of the Menlo College Computer Use Policy. Upon acceptance, access to the network is provided. WiFi connections do not include access to printing. Questions regarding access to the WiFi should be directed to the Office of Information Technology at (650)543-3830.
The Library Desk is open all hours of Library operation, with the last checkout taking place 10 minutes before the building closes. Circulating materials are checked out by using a Menlo College ID card.
Note: Patrons with overdue items are restricted from borrowing additional materials until the overdue materials are returned. Please see a librarian with questions.
Students* |
Faculty and Staff |
Emeritus Faculty |
Number of books per checkout: 25
Number of DVDs per checkout: 10
Number of books per checkout: 30
Number of DVDs per checkout: 10
Number of books per checkout: 20
Number of DVDs per checkout: 10
* Visiting students may borrow up to 5 books at a time for 28 days. Please see a librarian for database access or for assistance printing.
Building Access
Bowman Library building is open to the public between 9am and 5pm on weekdays when the library is open. Before visiting, check our hours here. During the school year, the Library is open extended hours for the Menlo Community.
Borrowing Materials
Only Menlo College Community members may check out books, physical media, equipment (including laptops, calculators, audio or visual equipment) and other materials. We cannot provide check out privileges to visitors.
Accessing Materials in the Library
Visitors may read books and electronic materials on premises during visitor hours. This policy does not apply to course reserve materials. Course Reserves are only available to students taking the course the materials are provided for.
Computers and Other Equipment
Visitors will need to ask at the front desk for computer access. Nothing can be copied or downloaded to the hard drive. Work will need to be sent to a google drive account or downloaded onto a USB flash drive. The Library computers are set up to delete any saved files at logout.
Visitors cannot use the library printers or scanners
Online Resources
Visitors may use any library online resource that is accessible through the commons computers. The library cannot provide visitors with remote access to library online resources
Restricted access times
Bowman Library restricts visitor access during high-volume periods in order to best serve the Menlo College Community.
Restricted materials
Visitors are not permitted to check out archival materials, books, equipment, or course reserves. Additionally, community members may not submit an interlibrary loan request.
Replacement Charges
Bowman Library users are responsible for replacement and processing fees for lost or damaged items.
There is a replacement charge, plus a processing fee, for any damage to, or loss of a Chromebook and accompanying peripherals issued, up to a maximum of $800.
In general, items may be renewed if not needed for Course Reserves or already requested by another patron. Renewals may be done at the circulation desk or online at My Account. Chromebooks must be renewed in person.
Course Reserves
Course reserves are items faculty place on reserve for course use. The checkout period for reserves is 2 hours. For more information, see Course Reserves.
Checkout periods are 2 hours.
Renewals are subject to availability/demand, up to a full day.
Extended checkout periods for Chromebooks and calculators for up to a semester are available. Consult with a librarian.
A user must have a reservation for a DIY Recording Studio to check out audio/visual recording equipment. Audio/Visual recording equipment is to be used inside the library only and cannot be taken off premises.
Certain A/V equipment is loaned in a bundle: item, power cord, case, etc. All items in the bundle must be returned and checked in.
Users are expected to set up and operate equipment. Library staff can provide technical support when available.
Menlo College’s mission is to “ignite potential and educate students to make meaningful contributions in the innovation economy.” One of the many ways Bowman Library supports this mission is by cultivating and maintaining a robust collection of library resources to support students as they learn and prepare for the future.
Bowman Library strives to collect materials that best support the needs of Menlo College students, faculty, and staff, with student needs being the top priority. Specific considerations may include:
Relevance of content to Menlo College curriculum, faculty research, and/or the interests of the Menlo College community
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Age or currency of the content
Lasting value of the content
Appropriateness of content level
Ability to fill a gap in the current collection
Language (focus is on English language content)
Suitability of format to content
The Library’s ability to support access to the content
Print vs. electronic (electronic generally preferred)
Authoritativeness of the author or reputation of publisher
Perpetual rights (preferred)
Scholarly sharing and educational use terms
Quality of open access business model and terms
Bowman Library values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and strives to collect works representing varying viewpoints and perspectives. This includes diverse authors, diverse characters, social justice topics, and content focused on DEI.
The Library actively seeks input on collection decisions, and welcomes recommendations from Menlo College students, faculty, and staff. The Library is ultimately responsible for selection decisions.
Bowman Library maintains relationships with other libraries to preserve and provide access to collections. In addition to the Library’s own collections, many more materials are available through interlibrary loan and shared print collections. Librarians make decisions about when to acquire locally and when to secure access through consortial agreements.
To make the most efficient use of Menlo College resources and ensure the best terms, the Library works with regional and national consortia to negotiate licenses for digital content with publishers. The Library is the sole entity responsible for subscribing to databases, journals, and other published literature (other than textbooks) at Menlo College. No other parties may select, license, or manage subscriptions to published literature on Menlo College’s behalf.
Bowman Library uses collection level definitions developed by the Research Libraries Group (RLG) to guide the scope and depth of collecting in particular areas. The table below maps Library of Congress (LC) classifications to the collecting levels Bowman Library aims to achieve for each. These collecting levels are assigned based on the majors, minors, concentrations, and courses offered at Menlo College.
LC Classification
Subclassification* | RLG Conspectus |
AC-AZ -- General Works | 2. Basic Information Level | |
B-BD -- Philosophy | 2. Basic Information Level | |
BF -- Psychology | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
BH-BX – Aesthetics, Ethics, & Religion | 1. Minimal Level | |
C-CT -- Auxiliary Sciences of History | 1. Minimal Level | |
D-DX -- World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc. | 2. Basic Information Level | |
E-F -- History of the Americas | 2. Basic Information Level | |
G-GT -- Geography. Anthropology (includes Ethnology & Environmental Sciences) | 2. Basic Information Level | |
GV -- Recreation. Leisure | Physical education and training; Sports | 3. Instructional Support Level |
H-HA -- Social Sciences (General) & Statistics | 2. Basic Information Level | |
HB-HJ -- Business (includes Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Management, Finance, Human Resources, International Business, Marketing, and Real Estate) | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
HM-HV -- Sociology (includes Gender, Class, and Race Studies) | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
HX -- Socialism. Communism. Anarchism | 1. Minimal Level | |
J-JZ -- Political Science | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
K, KF -- Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence; Law of the United States (includes Commercial law; Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law; Public finance; Intellectual property) | 1. Minimal Level | |
L-LA -- Education (General) & History of Education | 1. Minimal Level | |
LB-LC -- Theory and practice of education & Special aspects of education (Includes Educational psychology; Social aspects of education; Education of special classes of persons) | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
LD-LT -- Individual institutions; College and school magazines and papers; Student fraternities and societies, United States; Textbooks that cover several subjects | 1. Minimal Level | |
M-MT -- Music and Books on Music | 1. Minimal Level | |
N-NX -- Fine Arts | 1. Minimal Level | |
P -- Philology. Linguistics | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
PC -- Romance Languages | French, Spanish | 2. Basic Information Level |
PE -- English | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
PL -- Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania | Chinese | 2. Basic Information Level |
PN-PZ -- Literature | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
QA -- Mathematics | 2. Basic Information Level | |
QB-QE -- Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology | 1. Minimal Level | |
QH, QM -- Natural History - Biology, Human Anatomy | 2. Basic Information Level | |
QP -- Physiology | Neurophysiology and neuropsychology | 3. Instructional Support Level |
RA -- Public Aspects of Medicine (Includes Public health, Mental Health, Personal health and hygiene) | 3. Instructional Support Level | |
RC -- Internal Medicine | Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry | 3. Instructional Support Level |
S -- Agriculture | 0. Out-of-Scope | |
T-TX -- Technology | 1. Minimal Level | |
U -- Military Science | 0. Out-of-Scope | |
V -- Naval Science | 0. Out-of-Scope | |
Z-ZA -- Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (General) | 2. Basic Information Level | |
*Empty cells in the subclassification column indicate any subclassification in the category is eligible for collection at the conspectus level listed.
When a current faculty member (full-time or adjunct) or staff member publishes a book that is available in print, Bowman Library will acquire a copy of the book and place it on the Faculty Publications display in the main room of the library. The book will become part of the main collections upon the author’s departure from Menlo College. An additional copy will be acquired and placed in the College Archives.
As of 2024, the Library retains digital copies of theses submitted by consenting students, and shares theses with the Menlo College community through JSTOR Shared Collections. The Library retains archival print copies of student theses from previous years.
Each semester, Bowman Library acquires as many of the print textbooks used in Menlo College courses as reasonably possible. These print textbooks are placed on course reserve and may be checked out for two (2) hours at a time. Faculty are encouraged to complete the course reserve form, or reach out to librarians to ensure a copy of the textbook for their class is available in the Library. By providing this service, the Library hopes to reduce the burden students face when buying costly course materials. Unfortunately, the Library cannot place digital content, such as access codes for online textbooks, on course reserve due to copyright restrictions. Faculty are encouraged to consider affordability when selecting course materials, and are invited to explore textbook options with a librarian.
The Library periodically removes materials from the collection to ensure it remains useful over time. When making major deselection decisions (e.g., canceling a database subscription), Bowman Library will make public announcements in advance and consult faculty members in relevant subject fields. The Library makes an effort to dispose of deselected materials responsibly by donating or recycling them.
Materials are removed from the collection based on any of the following criteria:
Age or currency of the content
Relevance to the current curriculum
Duplication (either print or electronic versions)
Access to newer editions or versions of the content
Ongoing costs (e.g., database or e-journal subscription fees)
Usage statistics (number of checkouts, full-text downloads, etc.)
Number of other libraries in the state or shared print programs that also hold the item
Maintaining a diversity of viewpoints, authors, and content within the collection
Materials in the library are selected to support the instructional and research needs of the Menlo College community. A person who wishes to request the reconsideration of library material must file a formal written request for reconsideration using the library-provided form. The request will be reviewed by the appropriate librarians and committees. Together, these librarians will develop a recommendation that will be submitted to the Library Director. The Library Director is responsible for making the final decision. The requestor will receive a final written response to the submitted request for reconsideration within 90 days of the library receiving the request.
You can find and fill out our reconsideration request form here.
Monetary gifts in support of collection development are welcome.
Bowman Library does not accept gifts of print journals, magazines, CDs, DVDs, outdated materials, or materials in poor condition. Exceptions may be made if materials are currently assigned as course materials. Print book donations are welcome when they fit the selection criteria stated in this policy. Large donations may not be accepted due to the amount of staff time required to evaluate and process materials.
Donors are strongly encouraged to check the Library catalog for duplication prior to donating materials and to provide a monetary donation for collection processing. Upon donation, gifts become property of Bowman Library, and the Library reserves the right to catalog, discard, maintain, display, or otherwise handle donated items at its discretion. Donated materials are never guaranteed to be added to the collection.
The Library participates in the SCELC Shared Print Program, a consortial preservation and access program. Through the program, Bowman Library commits to retain and provide access to print books of which there are few or no copies owned by other member libraries. Other libraries in the program commit to retain different sets of books, ensuring a large variety of books will remain available over time. Shared print books are lent freely among participating libraries through interlibrary loan. The Library will not deselect materials it has committed to retain and is typically responsible for replacements when damaged.
Bowman Library regularly places yearbooks, commencement programs, faculty publications, Menlo College Magazines, theses, course catalogs, Menlo College newsletters, and other select materials in the College Archives. Acquired materials have lasting historical value relating to Menlo College history and the achievements of Menlo College students, faculty, or staff. Portraits, photographs, and other two-dimensional art objects are collected when important to Menlo College history. Other objects, such as trophies, pendants, or memorabilia, are not in scope. The Archives does not collect institutional records, such as accreditation reports, human resource files, etc.
Due to limited space and staff time, archival materials must be discussed with library staff before donation, and may not be accepted.
All Menlo College yearbooks owned by Bowman Library, or lent to the Library with permission to scan, are digitized and made accessible online. The digital asset becomes property of Bowman Library.
Bowman Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom outlined in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Association of American Colleges' and the American Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, and the Association of College & Research Libraries’ “Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” and “Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.”
In accordance with common standards of privacy, the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association, and the California Government Code (sections 6267 and 6254), we recognize that the library records of Menlo College students, faculty, staff, and other library patrons are confidential. These records include, but are not limited to, circulation records, interlibrary loan records, and information stored by patrons on the Library's computers. The same standards of confidentiality also apply to the questions asked by library patrons at the reference desk or elsewhere, the advice and assistance provided by library staff, and any other information related to the resources or equipment used by particular library patrons.
Confidential information will be used and shared by the Bowman Library staff only to the extent necessary for the proper functioning and administration of the Library. It will not be made available otherwise except as specifically required by law. No confidential information will be provided to outside agencies, including law enforcement agencies, unless the College first establishes that the relevant warrant, process, order, or subpoena is in the proper form and that there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.
(updated 5-16-2024)
The library has a variety of spaces available for individual and group study, quiet study and creative discussions, events and exhibits. More information on library spaces is available here.
Some spaces are reservable and some are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Reservable spaces may be reserved for a maximum of two hours per day.
Reservations may be made up to 2 months in advance
Study rooms must remain unlocked at all times
Study rooms are monitored periodically by library staff for everyone’s safety
Breakdown and cleanup is the responsibility of the group booking the room.
Spaces must be left in the same condition as found at the beginning of the meeting.
Food, trash and recycling must be placed in receptacles outside the library.
The library does not have a sink, disposal, refrigerator, dishwasher, cleaning supplies, plates, utensils or other supplies for events management. Please plan accordingly for your event and cleanup.
Meetings must conclude 10 minutes before the facility closing time. All attendees and participants must exit the building at closing time.
Postings must be:
Flyers may only be posted by library staff. You may leave up to 3 flyers at the front desk for library staff to hang for you.
The Library reserves the right to remove any flyers at our discretion