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Menlo College 101

Menlo College 101 - A Guide to Useful Library Resources

This guide will help introduce you to resources available from Menlo College's Bowman Library. Most of the resources you will need while attending Menlo can be accessed online from wherever you are.

It's good to remember that the research process is iterative. That means, each time you search, you may find part of the information that will help you build your paper or project. Using the new information you find, you will be ready to search again to uncover yet more relevant material. Depending on the complexity of the project, your search process may take several attempts, and change directions more than once. Remember, let your research guide the development of your final version. In fact, the topic you start with might not be what you end up writing your paper on.

One more hint: All along the way, be sure to record where you find each piece of information you discover so that when it comes time to cite your sources, everything is right there in your notebook, your computer file, or Google doc.

Picking a Topic