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MGT 327 Business Ethics

Finding Company and Industry Information

Company Information

Use the following databases to locate company information, key personnel, contact information, financial overviews, company news, and industry profiles, trends, analysis, etc. Search individual company websites to find mission statements, annual reports, important news, announcements, etc.

Also search databases above to find industry profiles, news and trends. Use the NAICS link below to determine the industrial sector to which your company belongs. The code can be used as a search term in both subscription databases and Google. Company reports also list industrial codes.

Bowman Library Catalog

Search by keyword, company name, or subject heading to find useful materials in the Bowman Library collection. Below are some possible subject headings to start your search:


Use the linked document for your class time to brainstorm ideas relevant to your case study research.

Case Prep

Prof. Sekerka's outcome expectations for this session are summarized in the following linked document:

Handout MGT 327

Before Library Session...

This homework assignment should be completed before each section works with the Librarians to learn about databases, resources and strategies to investigate companies discussed in your cases.