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BUS 227 Business Ethics

Newspaper Links

Newspaper Subscriptions for Menlo Students

Bowman Library offers students their own subscriptions to the following newspapers. Financial Times is a one time activation that will be good as long as you are enrolled at Menlo College. The New York Times must be re-subscribed to once a year. If you sign up today, you'll have access for 364 days, on the 365th day, you just need to go in and sign up for an account again using the same credentials. For both newspapers, sign up with your Menlo email login and password.

Find full text of the Wall Street Journal through the database, ABI/Inform:

Site Searching in Google

Searching in both of these newspapers can be done at their respective websites and And, one of the best ways to search for relevant content is to employ a Google Site Search.

Using a site search helps you find information related to your topic. 

For example, to search the New York Times, input the phrase then leave a space an add in your key terms like this: coffee trends  In this search you have told Google to only find results from the New York Times. a date limit to the past year has also been imposed. Look at the top few results, how might they be useful?

To run a similar search in the Financial Times, input the following search phrase: retail coffee market  The search tells Google to get results from the Financial Times only. Again, results are limited to the past year. coffee trends U.S. This search tells Google to get results from the Wall Street Journal only. Results are limited to the past year. 

NOTE: A date limit is set by clicking on Tools under the Google search bar, clicking Any time, & selecting from the dropdown list.