Spring 2024 Student Research Colloquium Presenter Priscilla Perey Ratonel presents their research on COVID campus simulation

As part of the Spring 2024 Library Research Colloquium Series, Priscilla Perey Ratonel will be presenting her research on creating a COVID-19 transmission campus simulation.  Join us at the Bowman Library Classroom or online via Zoom on April 11th at 1pm to learn and ask questions about her work.
Bowman Library is proud to support and promote all our Menlo scholars!  If you are interested in presenting a research project, come talk to us at the Library or let us know online by email at bowmanlibrary@menlo.edu.
Event Details: 

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Location: Bowman Library Classroom or Online via Zoom

Join via Zoom URL: https://zoom.us/j/99981002867?pwd=TStYZUpyZ1ZFZTk2ajYyS2tUV1lwdz09