POV: It's suddenly December and you realize you have 3 exams and 2 projects due in the next week and a half.

Get ready for finals with
free pizza
to fuel your study sesh!

Tuesday 12/5, 7-9pm in Bowman Library
What is Study Slam?
Study Slam is a group-study session where students come together to complete coursework and prepare for quizzes/exams. Tutors are available to help with a variety of subjects, including WRITING, MATH, FINAN CE, and more.
Come by Study Slam to hang out, get work done, and ask for help if you need it.
Sponsored by Academic Support @ Menlo
Hosted by 
We hope to see you there!
Did you know...
Tutoring appointments are also available in the Academic Success Center and the Writing Center for many courses offered at Menlo College and for writing help across the curriculum.
For more information, or to make an appointment, see our webpages:
Course Tutoring @ the ASC: www.menlo.edu/tutoring
Writing Center: www.menlo.edu/wocc
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